Color Contrast
This summer we put together this amazing photo shoot that kind of flew under the radar, but the looks are so incredible that we had to share through again! hair was by Master Stylist Kim Botner and makeup was by Bridal Elite Team member Christina Carlsson! The wardrobe was provided by local shop Physical Element. The dark clothing was the perfect contrast to our bright backgrounds and really made this shoot stand out!
Behind the Scenes
Kim Botner impressed by using pieces of chicken wire to get the shape in her triangular look, the perfect mate to Christina's dark, come-hither eye! We also came up with a new hashtag for our dear photographer Muzzy! #MuzzyonaLadder may not be trending yet but it will be- this guy like to shoot from high places!
The Final Take
The final images are striking to say the least! The hair, the makeup and the clothes all come together to create the perfect look- built out of dark and light, the ultimate contrast shoot! Big Big thank you to Jo from Physical Element for lending us the peices and being on set with us- styling like a mad women!