Once Upon a Winter's Eve
This enchanting Dosha Creative Team shoot brings us four queens of winter, each fit for their own haunting tale of beauty in the bleakest of landscapes. Our first model's look, with a pitch black, blunt cut, shaggy bob, deep red lips and porcelain skin, is reminiscent of a rustic retelling of Snow White. Hair by Mykala Anderson and Makeup by Christina Carlsson.
With shoulder, length flowy blonde hair, subtle highlights, dark burgundy lips and just a hint of a smokey eye, model number two embodies the elegance of a Russian princesses. Hair by Thomas Heasley.
Our third model's braided extensions and faux fur, woven into a wintery crown conjures imagines of an avant garde Queen Elsa. Her deep lip color combined with a thick brow is both classically romantic and flawless. Hair by Kim Botner & Kristina Paris, Makeup by Christina Carlsson.
Our Final model's look rivals that of a regal Mongolian Queen's. Her Long braided extensions cascading past her shoulders, as soft wispy long bangs frame her face give her an air of timelessness. Her finely contoured cheeks, natural lips and subtle eye liner giver her look an effortless feel.