Meet your Dosha Masters: Jessica Watts
Jessica, who is fondly known as Jwatts by the Dosha team is one of the kindest people you will ever meet! Her warm smile and gentle laugh make her easy to be around. It would be a mistake to take her quiet nature for shyness, Jessica is an excellent listener and in a new environment she is busy absorbing everything. It is this quality that makes her an excellent master stylist. Sit in her chair and she will listen intently as you describe your dream hair, already calculating the needed move to achieve the perfect look. We sat down with her to find out more about what inspires her to be the best stylist she can be!
How long have you been in the industry? 9 years! I graduated from Earls Academy of Beauty, which wasn't an Aveda school- so I was relatively new to the Aveda side of things when I started.
So why did you choose Aveda/Dosha? It was more Dosha then Aveda that was the initial draw. My Co-worker at the time really inspired me to apply. I was living in Arizona at the time and I was looking for a change. Dosha seemed to have a good structure- so I just packed up and went for it.
Do you have a point of view or an atheistic as a stylist? I honestly love it all but I do especially love cutting. There is just more of an instant gratification with cutting. More so then with color which has to process and can sometimes take more than one service to get the look you are going for.
Where do you get your inspiration? Social media-there is just so much new content all of the time, but clients are probably my biggest inspiration. Building that relationship with them, that trust in me, that drives me more than anything.
Have you ever cried during a service? (Laughs) You know all the other stories I have seen from other masters on this question are inspirational. But I'm like "oh no!". I'm going to be honest, I would say brides/bridal parties have made me cry the most!
On the flip side, have you ever laughed so hard it hurt during a service? Oh yeah! I mean all the time, it is usually just from good conversation. The other day I had a guest in for a 2 hour appointment and it was full of laughs.
When you're not in the salon, what do you love to do? Be outside as much as possible- you just have to in a place like this. I also love to cook, I'm a big fan of the crockpot! Also Korean food, I watch a lady on YouTube who cooks amazing Korean food so I'm usually trying out her recipes at home.
What advice would you give to a new or upcoming stylist? Be open minded. Be humble. Be confident. Give it time- nothing good comes easy or quickly.
What does being a Dosha Master mean to you? In one word, Leadership. I play a part in creating a sense of culture, help my co workers find their path and be an inspiration to others. Culture is so important, it is the thing that sets us apart from other salons. I stress it so much to my team because I really do believe in it!
Last question, What Aveda product would you pick if you could only have one? Pure Abundance Style Prep- you can use it on any hair type and I like big hair!!
Quick Fire Round:
1. Coffee or Tea? Coffee
2. Puppies or Kittens? Kittens
3. Drama or Comedy? Drama
4. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset
5. Land or water? Water
6. Text or call? Text
7. 80s or 90s? 90s
8. Rosemary Mint or Shampure? Shampure